Ronan Bodéré is Chief Executive Officer of Managing Director de Praemia REIM Luxembourg..
Ronan Bodéré is a graduate of HEC, was Country Head of AEW’s Luxembourg office until the end of 2017, a post that he had held since 2010, after working in Paris as a Portfolio Manager responsible for real estate portfolio management for institutional clients.
Along with Laurent Fléchet, Ronan is responsible for co-managing the office and fund management for Praemia REIM Luxembourg’s pan-European funds.
Ronan Bodéré is a graduate of HEC, was Country Head of AEW’s Luxembourg office until the end of 2017, a post that he had held since 2010, after working in Paris as a Portfolio Manager responsible for real estate portfolio management for institutional clients.
Along with Laurent Fléchet, Ronan is responsible for co-managing the office and fund management for Praemia REIM Luxembourg’s pan-European funds.
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